A Guide to

Choosing the Right Packaging: Compostable vs. Biodegradable

In the growing eco-conscious marketplace, the terms “compostable” and “biodegradable” are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion among consumers and businesses alike.

With so many eco-friendly labels out there, it’s easy to assume that “compostable” and “biodegradable” mean the same thing, but these terms actually have different meanings – and big impacts. Understanding them can help you make better choices and avoid “greenwashing.”


Not Always Green

  • Biodegradable products break down, but there’s no set timeframe or standards on how long it takes, where it can happen, or what’s in it.
  • Biodegradable items can linger in landfills for years or contaminate compost and recycling streams if disposed of incorrectly.
  • Biodegradable packaging can lead to contamination, especially when labeled vaguely, and doesn’t support a circular economy.
  • For instance, an “oxo-biodegradable” plastic bag might be petroleum-based and infused with additives that accelerate the decomposition process into smaller and smaller microplastics.

Certified Compostable: Verified, safer, and soil friendly

  • Compostable products certified by Biodegradable Products Institute, Compost Manufacturing Alliance and TÜV OK Compost, for example, meet strict standards and break down into non-toxic components like CO2 and water within a set timeframe, usually 90 days, in industrial compost facilities.
  • When compostable packaging is properly processed in composting facilities, it enriches the soil, does not leave harmful residues, and directly contributes to a circular, regenerative system.

Why This Matters

Biodegradable packaging can lead to contamination, especially when labeled vaguely, and doesn’t fully support a circular economy. Compostable products offer a better solution but need proper disposal in composting facilities to work as intended.

We all play a role in making better packaging solutions that not only meet business and personal needs, but also align with smarter sustainability goals. When choosing packaging, look for “BPI certified compostable” on the packaging. It’s an easy way to ensure your choices align with sustainability goals and make a real, positive impact.


3 Key Takeaways:

  1. Compostable products offer a more robust environmental solution than biodegradable products.
  2. Looking for third party certifications supports proper disposal of compostable products and is crucial to realizing their environmental benefits.
  3. Understanding these differences helps in making informed decisions aligned with your customers’ sustainability goals.

Blair Michal, Partner Advocate, Better Earth

Contact Better Earth Circularity Coordinator Blair Michal at [email protected] to learn how Better Earth can help transition your business to using 100% compostable packaging and supporting a circular economy.

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